Natural Progesterone

The Multiple Roles of a Remarkable Hormone

mirjana 2Progesterone is one of the two most important basic hormones in the body. The other, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), is the body’s most abundant  hormone correlated to health and longevity. Progesterone, a major regulator of estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol, is the most versatile hormone. Manufactured by both men and women it was originally thought to be a hormone that primarily assisted the growth of the fetus.

Progesterone is  manufactured initially from cholesterol. In fact, cholesterol is a major building block not only for hormones, but also brain cells. Contrary to the media  anti-cholesterol hysteria, cholesterol is, in fact, essential for life. It is a major component of cell membranes and of all parts of the nervous system. Our body uses progesterone for various life-sustaining processes. It has many direct and indirect roles, including assisting in water metabolism (especially excretion of water and sodium), increases libido, enforces thyroid function, assists metabolism of fat for energy, helps cells use oxygen appropriately, stimulates bone growth, etc.

The important roles of progesterone are:

  • Balances endometrium (uterus);
  • Essential for development of fetus;
  • Balances against excess estrogen;
  • Prevents osteoporosis;

Precursor for:

  • DHEA
  • Estrogens
  • Testosterone
  • Cortisone
  • Aldosterone
  • Prevents fibrocystic breasts;
  • Natural energizer and anti-
  • depressant;


  • Blood sugar
  • Zinc and copper
  • Cell oxygenation
  • Help burn fat and prevent obesity;
  • optimizes libido and it is a natural diuretic.

Despite the medical profession’s preoccupation with estrogen replacement therapy after menopause, it is actually not estrogen deficiency but progesterone  deficiency that leads to the menopause. Women’s bodies never stop making estrogen unless the ovaries are removed. Some estrogen production occurs in the adrenals and some in fat cells of the body. Unfortunately, at menopause, progesterone levels fall to nearly zero. This causes many health problems including uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, breast and uterine cancer, PMS, osteoporosis, depression, water retention, decreased libido, irregular or excessive menstrual bleeding, excess deposition of fat, especially around the hips and thighs. It is estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency that are responsible for these problems.

Prevention Program

If the following recommendations are followed by the majority of women, we would probably see the incident of hormone related cancers and other cancers plummet within a generation:

  • Limit the consumption of sugar, refined carbohydrates (pasta, white bread and rice), trans-fatty acids (margarines, fried foods), and estrogen rich foods such as feed-lot meat and cows’ milk. Increase the consumption of foods with amino acids, such as beans, onions and garlic.
  • Avoid “xenobiotics” such as food containing pesticides and insecticide residue, fungicides, household sprays, lawn and garden chemicals and eat organically grown food. This is important in prevention of breast cancer and prostate cancer in adults.
  • Hormone imbalance starts earlier in industrialized countries. Progesterone deficiency affects about 50 % of women by age 35 in the United States. By the time menopause arrives the progesterone levels are down to 1 or 2%. This indicates estrogen dominance therefore progesterone should be supplemented.
  • Foreign progesterone compounds such as the ones found in Provera should not be confused with real progesterone and should be avoided. Birth control pills create early hormone imbalances and should be avoided if at all possible.
  • Even after menopause, estrogen (estrone) is still being created by body fat. Preventive low-dose progesterone supplementation (12-15mg per day) can be used 24-25 days per month. Estrogen supplement should only be used if vaginal dryness or thinning, night sweats or hot flashes persist. The correct dose is the lowest dose that prevents these symptoms. Estriol is safer in regard to breast cancer than estrone or estradiol.
  • Prescriptions for unopposed estrogen should be banned. No woman should ever be given estrogen without progesterone, even if she doesn’t have a uterus or ovaries. There is no reason to believe that progestins such as Provera are as beneficial as real progesterone when it comes to preventing cancer. According to Dr. John Lee, a bestselling author of “What your doctor may not tell you about menopause,” states: “When estrogen supplementation is indicated, it should be preceded by progesterone supplementation, and the estrogen dosage should be kept as low as possible. Progesterone will restore normal estrogen receptor sensitivity and by maintaining normal progesterone levels it will decrease the need for estrogen supplementation and at the same time prevent undesirable estrogen side effects.”
  • Progesterone replacement with a transdermal cream should be used prior to surgery by all patients having breast cancer surgery.
  • Progesterone supplementation should be maintained for life with all breast cancer patients, before, during and after surgery.
  • All women with a family history of breast cancer should be closely monitored to avoid estrogen dominance.

The Role of Progesterone in Men

Progesterone levels are much higher in adult men throughout life than they are in post-menopausal women. For men progesterone helps in production of sperm and holds a very important role in regards to calcium metabolism inbone. Males at age fifty who enter a period of change in hormonal production, sometimes called andropause, often have a decrease in natural progesterone production just as women do at that age. When adult men apply natural progesterone cream to the scrotal skin it results in remarkable improvements in mood, libido, and DHEA. On the other hand, high levels of progesterone in men reduce testosterone production. Among men with prostate cancer it is common practice to castrate them (surgically or chemically) in order to reduce testosterone levels necessary to suppress cancer growth. By doing this, the absence of testosterone creates male menopause that brings on the hot fleshes and osteoporosis. If one wishes to prevent or treat castration-induced osteoporosis, it is possible to safely supplement progesterone to replace testosterone.

Progesterone and the Elderly

It has been documented that progesterone therapy improves mental clarity and attitudes in elderly. An example is a 91 year old woman who was consigned to a nursing home due to her weakness and senility. Her MD has given her progesterone cream for her dry, fragile skin and osteoporosis. He was surprised on his next visit to see her improved cognitive, conversational and socializing abilities-skills that had deteriorated in the proceeding years. More research is needed. It would be interesting to test progesterone and other hormone levels in women with and without Alzheimer’s disease. Since estrogen dominance is common in the USA it is tempting to speculate that progesterone deficiency is a factor in premature brain deterioration.

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